
Monday, May 23, 2011

my spinning jupiter...

I'm slowly finding my way into the world of publishing and social networking. I've never been a photographer or artist so this miniclip took 12 attempts, but I hope it gives a few cues about Ashlin's shock drop into spinning jupiter...
I'd been eavesdropping on preteens and realized how many girls are annoyed by their body morphing against their will.
Usually it's parents who dent your day, but when the body starts to trip into adulthood and the mind is still dreaming, hoping for another world, it hurts.
Period.: A Girl's GuideMost of the books available about puberty seemed to be non-fiction; simple science or question and answer style. I thought it might be fun to turn the mind bending into a friendship with the cosmos, a mouse spider, monarch butterfly, annoying brother and a non-boyfriend.
I also wanted to add history, so Ashlin's grandmother and 97 year old great grandmother move in to add details and offer support.
Blending sex education with fiction and humour needs a fine balance of reality checks and though all the worst fears eventuate, and it really does seem as if the entire world can see through her, I've tried to keep Ashlin's dignity intact, as the beauty breaks out.

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